Data Recovery Solutions
Protect what matters to you with monitored off-site backups.
EmB Computing Is An Authorized DriveSavers Reseller!
Have you lost access to business critical data? Emb Computing, through a special agreement with DriveSavers Data Recovery Inc., can provide you with afast, reliable and secure solution to your data loss problem at a special discounted price.
DriveSavers verifies their qualification to support businesses and government agencies who must comply with data privacy and security regulations by posting the results of their annual SAS 70 II audit reports on their website.
DriveSavers is also an approved GSA contractor. Choose from a variety of services options, including enterprise-gclass recoveries, Forensics and High Security Service.
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Data Security Video
Protecting the security of your personal and confidential data is our top priority. DriveSavers set the standards for data security in the data recovery industry. Watch this video to learn about their security protocols and why we use them to recover critical business data for our customers.
Hard Drive Recovery
Spinning at up to 15,000 rotations per minute, your traditional hard disk drives are at particular risk of physical failure. A small drop could lead to clicker failure, head crash failure, or a seized motor.
SSD Recovery
SSDs can offer greater reliability and performance than traditional hard disk drives. But they are still prone to failure from ESD, block wear leveling issues, and electromigration causing data cell degradation.